Hard Drive Repair

Learn what to do when your hard drive crashes

What to do in a Hard Drive Crash

Whether you were in the middle of grading student exams, calculating a business profit/loss statement in a spreadsheet or simply browsing the internet, a hard drive crash quickly halts any activity on a computer.

The moments after a crash are critical to getting help in a hard drive recovery, so pay attention.

Determine the Cause & Type of Drive


Most hard drives crash suddenly and without explanation.

The first step is to determine if a crash was caused by a simple loss of power from a dead battery, an operating system failure, or a mechanical issue.

Review our comprehensive guide to hard drive failure if the exact cause is not immediately obvious. Of course, if the device was dropped, or exposed to water or fire, it’s obvious there’s a physical issue with the drive.

If the drive is still trying to work, take note of any atypical noises such as clicking, grinding, beeping or whirring and stop activity immediately. Severe damage to the unit is possible when the hard drive heads scratch the platters, and this often creates an unpleasant grinding sound.

There’s also a chance, the drive is completely dead and won’t even spin up.

Whether the drive still boots up or it is completely dead, hard drive repair is often the first step in a successful data recovery.

Is It Worth It To Repair Your Hard Drive?

As prices for storage media continue to fall, the true value of a conventional hard disk drive (HDD) is in the data it stores.

Seagate Technology predicts that the cost for storage in rotating magnetic media or conventional hard disk drives will fall to half-a-cent per gigabyte over the next five years.

With this in mind, fixing a disc drive almost seems like an outdated topic. When you’re paying for hard drive repair, you’re really paying to get your data back!

You won’t use the hard drive after it’s crashed and undergone repair. It’s no longer reliable to store your data. Hard drive repair is a one-time deal that allows our expert data recovery engineers to recover your lost data.

If the HDD is in a desktop or laptop, using a repaired drive could cause further damage to your computer and void the warranty. Most manufacturers require a swap of the drive with a new one approved for your machine.

At 24 Hour Data, we will give you a new and approved hard drive with your recovered data. Our network engineers can also reinstall the operating system, getting everything back to normal.

Why 24 Hour Data Is Your Best Choice to Recover Your Hard Drive

Repairing a hard drive is the only way to recover lost data on a hard drive that’s experienced physical failure, such as a bad head assembly or spindle motor or PCB/circuit board failure.

Repairing a hard disc drive requires an exact match of a donor drive for parts. 24 Hour Data has hundreds of relationships with computer vendors and parts inventory on hand that allows us to quickly repair your broken HDD.

When opening drives and replacing components, it must be done in a clean room environment to prevent further damage. At 24 Hour Data, all internal HDD repair is done in a Class 10, ISO 4 certified clean room located in Dallas, TX.

Our clean room, combined with our experienced network of engineers, gives us one of the highest success rates you’ll find in the data recovery industry.

Trusting your local computer store or IT consultant to repair and recover a hard drive can easily double your cost or even render your data lost forever.

24 Hour Data gets drives in all the time that have made the rounds to two or three companies before coming to us.

Most of the time we see issues where a poor attempt at repair has been undertaken.

The technicians didn’t work in a clean room environment. The drive has fingerprints on the platters and shows evidence of dust and debris. We can still recover your lost data in this situation, but it makes it more difficult and potentially more costly.

When you’re choosing a company for hard drive repair and recovery, you want to get it right the first time. You need a company with the experience, skill, industry relationships, the best equipment, and the appropriate certifications to open your hard drive safely in a clean room environment.

Don’t worry if you’ve made the wrong choice for data recovery in the past. Let 24 Hour Data save the day for your right now.

Our Happy Customers


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Reyner Natahamidjaja
Global IP Networks

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